Bring sound to life

The instruments entrusted to us want to reiceive the best possible treatment which our workshop provides the ideal conditions for. So, if necessary we also refer to our external specialists.

Violin making (,especially the new making) requires a passion for music, sound and moreover the material. Exactly this combination of wood and sound has always fascinated us.
Our aim is: to optimize the "personality" of an instrument.

We invite you to come to our workshop to learn more about our instruments, music and the great school of violin making.

If you are interested please make an appointment.

latest instruments

Viola G5 | Zvi Dori 2009

New Viola, "Andrea Guarneri", reduced to 41.4 cm,very comfortable string length: 36.5 cm



Bratsche/Viola Guadagnini 41 King David| Zvi Dori 2021



Zvi Dori introduces himself


© 2024  master violin maker ZVI DORI · HANNOVER